0.000000 BTC
0.000000 XMR
0.346475 BTC
1.2345603 XMR
2.634576 BTC
534.3531 XMR
We frequently find it difficult to imagine what we could have accomplished if circumstances had been different. This is your chance to adjust. When utilized effectively, the powerful word "IF" permits our imagination to explore a broad variety of possibilities. Make a positive impact on the world and see how it develops.
The Abacus Foundation was founded with the sole purpose of maximizing everyone's freedom, privacy, and well-being. Our fund will actively promote initiatives that aim to uphold any one of these three fundamental principles.
Abacus Market consents to continuously donate a portion of its profits to the foundation in order to help achieve its goals. We support unfettered access to the Internet in order to protect and enhance the actual world in which we all live.
Donor | Amount |
curlydock [market staff] | 2.25 BTC |
pharoah [market staff] | 0.4 BTC |
superwave | 0.003425 BTC |
krokodajl | 0.0073527 BTC |
radarbreeder | 0.005 BTC |
kankatwenty | 0.0234 BTC |
floggedPanda | 0.052304 BTC |
MisterSwiss | 0.00329 BTC |
gamma78 | 0.05253 BTC |
TomSmith44 | 0.03523 BTC |
Donor | Amount |
pharoah [market staff] | 1040 XMR |
radarbreeder | 3.69999934599999 XMR |
softecho | 2.3261345300000001 XMR |
StVitus | 1.835435 XMR |
superwave | 2.69661 XMR |
luni9999 | 2.69 XMR |
JimmyjamOU812 | 2 XMR |
Amer1canSpirit | 1.67 XMR |
juarez | 1.5 XMR |
rambouk2uk | 1.153411 XMR |