Community Governance


30% of voters


40% of quorum


23% of quorum

Current Total

13246 Ballots

Ballot distribution: 1 (tier 3), 10 (tier 4), 100 (tier 5). Only users ballots that were active throughout the previous week will be reassessed daily.

An open debate or recommendation of workable substitute currencies in the event that the danger of XMR (Monero) increases

(expires at 2024-02-13 12:04:08 GMT, proposed by asataru)

vendor refund list

(expires at 2024-02-13 11:28:35 GMT, proposed by cb2021)


(expires at 2024-02-10 21:54:32 GMT, proposed by mercedesDE)

default ship from country

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

voting time

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

Give users the ability to delete messages from their mail box.

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

Integrate DAI as additional payment method

Passed (50% of quorum voted for)


Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

reject auto translate from news

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

Simply lowering quorum % might not be the solution

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

don't count users who dint vote to makenquorum.

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

Extend AF (Auto-finalize) button

Rejected (Quorum threshold not reached)

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